Fashionbox TV Channel
Distribution area: Russian Federation
Fashionbox is the newest television channel about fashion, created for all who follow the fashion industry and strive to know everything about world fashion trends. The channel program includes several large projects.
“Let’s shop” – together with TV presenter Cheryll Gillespie, you will see the most unusual boutiques, trendy shopping centers and exclusive shops in different countries. Fashion Masters is a project about fashion designers from all over the world who create their own style, glamorous and feminine, or daring and outrageous. “You are the Supermodel” - various topics interesting to fair sex are discussed in each issue: world of fashion news, entertainment and sports, stylish accessories, shoes and secrets of make-up.

Semantic content division into two blocks allows to interest both men and women. Fashionbox Femme is a block for women that includes designer interviews, fashion shows and style guides for the beautiful half of humanity. FashionBox Homme is a block for men interested in fashion trends and seeking to feel confident and free in any society.